hours before
airplane to vegas
karly's at the peaches show and
I'm at home stoned, barefoot
and packing my man-purse
there is no hope in sin town.
i have 2 dollars
limo drivers huddle with cigarettes
outside the baggage claim in shade
beneath the carport canopy
and beyond them,
the bleach bright nevada sky
enough toys and lube and
lingerie to keep a sex-
ually frustrated man
wrestling with demons well
beyond his plane's touch-
down 1500 miles later
desert floor crawling w/
midwesterners below
black stretch of barren
mountains wrapped up
plainly by orange-flecked
blue sky
in the climate controlled
10th floor luxury suite
we stand at the floor to
ceiling windows
five minutes into the cab ride to the airport
i am sorry for not smiling at her more
airport (smoking lounge)
the reflections on the wall
above the sunburned man
are robot eyes