the essay of a day is a shirt w/ moth holes
in a small studio my neighbor is moving places
and I am in the sky refilling candy bowls and still
there is trepidation
sleep is always with us, you shrug
and I am getting scared
like dreaming on an airplane
like walking in the dark
I thought I was the only one
I thought I was the only one
radio poem
synth notes
float odd
drifts in
sharp ribbons
gets into yr
knees n neck
n dance occurs
even by yrself
in a car on yr
lunch break
especially then,
if there is any
hope, privately
and in general
always it is a
good sign that
you are moving
just a little to
minimal guilt
the trouble w/
nondenominational kids :
I'm sorry I pooped in
your yard, I was rude like
an animated millionaire.
after work let's throw a
perfectly round ball out
to whomever championship
decides. we are fuck you
the new old pastime
honorary bad boy
proceeds punch n
grope and the cavalry
makes bricks to hurl
at our windmills
this is yr country
and these yr heros
above the television
a red ceramic crane
gives a hoot, some hip
shadows it makes in
the corner filling it like
a cock
it look at me and say