If anybody is interested in watching me embarrass myself (and perhaps others)...
I am taking part in a panel discussion with local writers/editors/publishing people at U.T. (sponsored by an undergrad writers group called Analecta) this evening at 7:30. The topic is, um, related to writing and providing insight as to how to go about having a life in writing after college. Funny of course because I am mostly unpublished and have very little if any street cred in the world o literature and have never earned a dime as a writer. But not to shy away from the opportunity to talk a little about my experience thus far as a small press publisher of poetry, I suspect I'll show up!
The other panel members are, it seems, much more established and professional so this should be interesting.
Actually, hats off to the student organizers for trying to get the knowledge they paid their tuition to receive but don't.
Creative Writing students unite and take over. Learn a trade to go with your lit skills. It is sound advice I suppose.
The talk will be in the Santa Rita room at UT's Student Union Building. I couldn't even tell you how to get there.