The fat lady of summer sits on our faces. Using a chipping method some work still gets done - a form takes shape. Farid Matuk's effing joint IS IT THE KING? is about to print and other goods are baking in the oven beyond that. We move slow in the heat yet we move. The first official effing resident intern will take office at the end of this month. He will arrive by train with a typewriter and a bicycle. I will try to persuade the intern to keep an intern's journal - an intern's blog if you will.
effing magazine #5 is being constructed in Savannah, GA where guest editor Allyssa Wolf now resides with her beau Jon Leon. Jon Leon is the author of TRACT of which I received an e-copy the other day. TRACT is a meth-fuck mind scramble set of prose so you know. still looking at the rear of summer for effing mag #5.
There will be a Skanky / Effing collab night Saturday, July 1. First, readings by yours truly and Farid Matuk at 12th Street Books where we'll celebrate Farid's effing book, then we'll move up the street to the effing studio/backyard for music, art, ale, and mosquito-slapping. More details will arrive at your mind's eye in a week or so.
I'm thinking of a blowout summer book sell off of effing goods. I will offer some tantalizing discounts soon.
More books sold means more books made means more books read and collected.
Mostly the little blogger in me died or got sick and is bed-ridden. Has fallen and can't get up. And is glad about that. Was mostly standing around with thumbs through the belt loops anyway. If you are looking for some information from me let us correspond mano y mano. I like to know who I'm writing to. And I want to taste your language if you are offering.
now back to footy