Please join us at 12th Street Books this Friday at 7pm to mark the release of the seventh issue of Effing Magazine and some new effing book titles . Our featured guest will be Effing Magazine editor, North Carolina poet Chris Vitiello.
Effing Magazine #7 contributors include
Nicholas Manning (France)
Mary Burger (Oakland, CA)
Brent Cunningham (Oakland, CA)
sueyeun juliette lee (Philadelphia, PA)
David Need (Durham, NC)
kathryn l. pringle (Durham, NC)
Mike Gubser (Virginia)
Orhan Velhi (Turkey, 1914-1950)
Jordan Davis (New York City)
Joseph Donahue (Durham, NC)
Chall Gray (Asheville, NC)
Guillermo Parra (Durham, NC)
effing magazine #7
80 pages
***(the new issue will be shipped to subscribers and made available on the effing website next week)
our featured reader:
CHRIS VITIELLO lives in Durham, NC. His first book, NOUNS SWARM A VERB, was published by Xurban Books in 1999, and his latest, IRRESPONSIBILITY, is just out on Ahsahta Press. A former editor of Proliferation magazine, he makes a blog at He is concerned with, among other things: clarification, light, stars, the sky, clouds, wind, trees, birds, deduction, eyes, leaves, people and their observable behaviors, grasses, the soil, flowers and their growth, description and representation, vegetables, skins and peels, seeds, nuts, cross-sections, dictionary definitions, synonyms and antonyms but especially synonyms, utility, analysis, skepticism, kindness, goodness, quantity, measurement, direct commands, questions, and fact statements. He has recently edited the latest issue of effing magazine.
We'll also be showcasing the latest Effing book BE SOMEBODY by Lester.
is located at 827 W. 12th Street (2.5 blocks east from 12th and Lamar)
Copies of effing magazine and Be Somebody will be available as well as several other great effing titles. Other readers for the evening may or not be Scott Pierce, publisher of Effing Press.
Beer and wine will be available for a donation.
Please come out and bask in the glow of our latest literary labors and hear Chris Vitiello read from his new work.
This event is sponsored by Skanky Possum Press and 12th Street Books.
12th Street Books, purveyors of used, rare, and out of print books,